Digital resurrections - by Nora Amin & Irina Kastrinidis

A co-production with Theater MARALAM (Zurich/Switzerland)


Photo ©Remo Hexspoor: Hadeer Moustafa, Meret Bodamer

Ein mystischer Ort außerhalb von Zeit und Raum. Zwei junge Frauen suchen nach Antworten. Im Austausch mit verstorbenen weiblichen Persönlichkeiten, wie die ägyptische Pharaonin Hatschepsut, Jacky Onassis Kennedy und Jeanne d'Arc, hinterfragen sie die Macht des Partiachat und die Kraft der Liebe - und erfahren eine stärkende Verbindung jenseits der Endlichkeit.

Der Abend besteht aus zwei Teilen: Das Stück nutzt im ersten Teil «Augmented-Reality» - eine Technologie bei der mittels spezieller Brillen der realen Umgebung digitale Elemente hinzugefügt werden. Die anschließende Inszenierung im zweiten Teil wirft Fragen nach den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen digitaler Auferstehung Verstorbener auf. Wird es tatsächlich möglich werden in den Kontakt zu treten mit verstorbenen Menschen, Trost zu finden, den Tod nur als Etappe zu begreifen?

In Memoriam Zeyneb Farhat, El Teatro Tunis


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Two young women search for answers in a mystical place outside of time and space. In an exchange with deceased female personalities, they question the power of the partiachat and the power of love - and experience a strengthening connection beyond finiteness.

The evening consists of two parts: In the first part, the play uses "augmented reality" - a technology in which digital elements are added to the real environment using special glasses. The subsequent production in the second part raises questions about the possibilities and limits of the digital resurrection of the deceased. Will it really be possible to get in touch with deceased people, to find comfort, to understand death only as a stage?


The PREMIERE took place in Zurich at the Rote Fabrik on September 21, 2023. Further performances took place on 22.09 / 23.09 / 27.09 / 28.09 / 29.09 / 30.09.2023 at the Fabriktheater der Roten Fabrik.

The play also made a guest appearance at the DCaf Festival in Cairo on October 12 and 13, 2023 (opening), further performances took place in Alexandria and Al Minya in October 2023 in the respective Jesuit Culture Centers

In December 2023, CLASH performed at El Teatro in Tunis as part of the JTC Festival.

CLASH will also be coming to Germany in 2024! Performances at the Theater im Pavillon in Hanover on Saturday, April 20 and Sunday, April 21, 2024, both at 6.30 pm. Performances in Göttingen at WERKRAUM on Saturday, April 27, Sunday, April 28 and Monday, April 29, each at 7.30 pm.


Both parts are subtitled and available in German, English and Arabic.



Documentation of the AR-part

AR technology in CLASH

Augmented reality differs from VR in that additional objects/avatars are added to the real world in AR. Reality is augmented. As the glasses are transparent, dizziness and nausea are very rare.

The artists and coders of the boat people project are responsible for the AR effects in the production: CLASH is the third production for which they are experimenting with MAGIC LEAP AR glasses. An app was specially programmed for the effects, some of the avatars' movements were generated using motion capture technology and the objects were designed to match the piece.

The dramaturgy follows an "open world format" - each visitor can explore the space at their own pace, there is no predetermined order. Some of the objects and avatars are interactive, i.e. they react to hand or eye movements. It is therefore recommended that you keep moving your hands and head to fully experience the immersive experience.


Production: Theater Maralam, Zurich, in co-production with boat people projekt, Göttingen; Oriental Productions, Cairo/ D-CAF Festival Cairo; El Teatro Tunis; MM for cultural management, Cairo.

Text world premiere: Nora Amin, Cairo - Irina Kastrinidis, Zurich, Director: Peter Braschler, Maralam Zurich, Dramaturgire, Cultural Consulting, Special Researches Arab World: Maysoon Mahfoudh, Cairo, Ahmed el Attar, Cairo (D-Caf), Cultural Consulting & Language: Taoufik Jebali, Tunis, Play: Meret Bodamer, Zurich, Hadeer Moustafa, Cairo, Composition / Production: Matthias Hillebrand phatm studio, Space: Stephan Schwendimann, Zurich, Costume: Sabina Hexspoor, Tatmotiv, Light & Techn. Direction: Michael Omlin, Zurich, technology: Jan Gubser, Basel, video, visual effects, social media use: Michel Weber, Zurich, design / realization, augmented reality: artistic conception / dramaturgy Reimar de la Chevallerie, boat people projekt Göttingen, artistic conception and coding: Martin Wisniowski, boat people projekt, Göttingen, 3-D object modeling: Amer Okdeh, Berlin. Dance Avatars AR: Alena Pajasova, Zurich. Technical Director, Egypt: Mohamed Sadek, Cairo, Graphics / Tagging: Matthias Hillebrand-Gonzalez, Lausanne, Arabic graphics: Hadi al Abudi, Zurich, Social Media, CH: Remo Hexspor, Social Media Egypt: Nahla Soliman, Videodok: Roni Ulmann, Zurich, Production Management: Theater Maralam, Zurich, Media Relations / Soc. Media, Switzerland: Maralam & Rote Fabrik, Egypt: Oriental production, Cairo in cooperation with MM for cultural management, Tunisia: El Teatro, Tunis, Sourour Jebali, Yousra Ammouri, Germany: boat people projekt, Göttingen, Nina de la Chevallerie, Co-Production, IG Rote Fabrik, Konzeptbüro, Zurich: Kyros Kikos; Dagmar Lorenz, boat people projekt, Göttingen: Nina de la Chevallerie, D-Caf Festival Cairo / Oriental productions, Cairo, Ahmed al Attar, El Teatro Tunis: Sourour Jebali, Taoufiq Jebali, MM for cultural management, Cairo: Maysoon Mahfouz



