A cooperation project between science, cultural institutions and civil society groups



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The Stadtlabor - a collaborative project between academia, cultural institutions, and civil society groups - now offers a space to gather diverse perspectives from the Global South, East, and North, to network existing and emerging knowledge, and to shape commemoration.

For the next 12 months, the "Stadtlabor: Wege zur kolonialkritischen Stadt" (City Lab: Ways to a colonial-critical city) invites you to explore these stories together and to discuss ways to a colonial-critical city. Many cities have already embarked on this journey in recent years, naming traces in urban space and addressing questions of memory. In Göttingen, too, some research, reappraisal and discussion has already begun.

In addition to the reappraisal of colonial history on site, the project also aims to make anti-colonial resistance and colonial continuities more visible up to the present. All residents of Göttingen are invited to get involved and participate.


Project partners

"Stadtlabor - Wege zur kolonialkritischen Stadt" is a cooperation project of the Institute for Cultural Anthropology/ European Ethnology, the Institute for Diversity Research and the Centre for Global Migration Studies of the Georg-August-University Göttingen with Göttingen Postcolonial, Entwicklungspolitisches Informationszentrum Göttingen (EPIZ), PLEA e.V., boat people projekt, Literarisches Zentrum Göttingen. Project management: Prof. Sabine Hess.


Funded by

The project Stadtlabor is funded by the program "zukunft.niedersachsen" of the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony.