A participatory tool for encounters in the analog and virtual stage, rehearsal, and work space.

In search of possibilities for art in digital space, we have been working since fall 2020 on the vision of a hybrid stage that enables simultaneous encounters in analog and digital space and vice versa. Together with programmer Martin Wisniowski, we are developing tools for the design of digital spaces that allow spectators to tune into live performances online and encounter the live audience. But also the possibility for artists to collaborate in the digital space will be realized.
The hybrid stage is a virtual stage space equipped with open source programs. All areas of the theater - foyer, auditorium and stage - can be used simultaneously and interactively. This participative tool enables artists, actors, participants, i.e. all users, to meet in digital and analog space with as few barriers as possible. The hybrid stage space ("Hybri Galaxy") was conceived, developed and programmed by the programmer Martin Wisniowski and Reimar de la Chevallerie.
With the help of Raspberry Pi computers, live concerts can be held here with low latency and good audio quality, even though the musicians are in different locations. The hybrid stage is currently under permanent development and is to be shared - accessible to all - with other platforms, associations, theaters, etc.. We see it as an experiment and an attempt to offer opportunities for inclusion in the digital age.
This digital tool was extensively tested at a symposium in July 2021, which addressed the question of how we can make use of digitalization - accelerated even further by Corona - in the international cultural landscape and collaboration.
The Göttinger Tageblatt also reported on our projects in Lockdown, including the new hynrid stage. The article can be read HERE .
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