In search of peace
Imagine there is a war and everyone goes...
Imagine you set out to find peace...
Where would you start looking?
The three players bravely try out ways to silence weapons and make objects talk. A character travels the world and wonders why peace is so hard to find. And what is peace anyway? A pacifist pistol has seen enough suffering and can be recycled into a children's chime. The players show strength with old war toys and examine the current logic of war. Together with the audience, they explore the power of many small peaceful gestures in everyday life. What can the individual do? And where are their limits? They don't stop at frustrating dead ends - there's always a way somewhere, isn't there?
The play has been specially designed for a classroom and uses interactive elements. The content of the play is based on valuable impulses from workshops in secondary school classes. Current developments in global warfare and the debate about peace negotiations and compulsory military service have also influenced the rehearsal process. Concrete political conflicts are not explicitly addressed.
The play is suitable for young people aged 12 and over - pre- and post-performance discussions are also offered.
There will be a public performance for an interested audience on Thursday, 18.04.24, at 19:30.
Further performances will take place in secondary schools in Göttingen and Hamburg (from grade 8).
If you are interested in school performances, please contact Nina de la Chevallerie by e-mail:
The workshops
Workshops on the topic of peace were held in secondary schools beforehand. We asked ourselves whether and how the current debate about compulsory military service affects those of a similar age: the young people themselves. Would they be prepared to do "service at arms"? What drives them to do so, what stops them? Using impulses and playing with objects, we ask what peace and pacifism mean - yesterday and today - and how the current war situation influences their everyday lives. The workshop impulses had a direct influence on the development of the classroom play.
Concept and play: Reimar de la Chevallerie, Selin Kavak, Christopher Weiß
Object theater, expert advice: Sophie Bartels
Production management and coordination: Nina de la Chevallerie
Supported by
City of Göttingen, Göttinger Kulturstiftung, Calenberg-Grubenhagensche Landschaft, Partnerschaft für Demokratie im Landkreis Göttingen, Heidehof Stiftung, Friedrich Stiftung, Claussen Simon Stifung, Abriporta Stiftung