...for all interested children and teenagers from 10 years of age



What excites you? What can you never get enough of? What makes you dream?
WAS UNS HÄLT is a ten-day summer vacation workshop for all young people aged 10 and older who are interested in singing, dancing, moving and acting.

Together we will explore scenically and musically how it feels to be a part of a community and at the same time stand out from it with our own dreams and passions.

How can I belong without losing myself?

Participation in the workshop is free of charge!

Dates: August 07-16, 2023, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., with performance on August 16.

Location: WERKRAUM (Stresemannstr. 24c, Göttingen).

Workshop leader: Martina Hesse and Hans Kaul
Registration gladly with Hans, via hanskaul@live.com

In cooperation with Jugendhilfe Südniedersachsen

Fotos: Sebastian Dohm

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