The heart so full
Two families live in the immediate neighborhood. One is too special for the other, they find them somehow strange, indecent even. Only the children of the families - Juliet on one side, Romeo on the other - are magically attracted to each other. Soon nothing can separate them, not even the attempts of the other family members.
Romeo: "I love you secretly".
Juliet: "We hide each other, under our skin."
"THEATERBANDE" - The team.
Playing ("The Theater Gang"): Theresa Durschang, Marlene Faber, Nick Heim, Michael Hindahl, Gesa Münch-Matthaei, Frank Schornhäuser (on drums), Selma Spicher.
Direction: Nina de la Chevallerie (theater pedagogy), Reimar de la Chevallerie (music and video)
The inclusive theater group has been working together since 2014, at the beginning under the name DIE JUNGEN ERIKS, because the foundation was initiated by the association ERIK e.V. But since April this year, the group now calls itself THEATERBANDE, because "we are no longer young and none of us is called Erik" (O-Ton Marlene Faber, long-time member).
THEATERBANDE opens "Klatschmohn" - The inclusive theater festival in Hannover on June 19, at 7 pm. The play will be translated by sign language interpretation.
Tickets and address:
Advance booking and tickets
Cultural Center Pavilion
Lister Meile 4, 30161 Hanover
T 0511 . 2 35 55 50
More info on the Inclusive Festival can be found HERE.
On November 18, it also plays in its own venue WERKRAUM in Göttingen, together with the Self-Help Association of the Physically Disabled at the 11th Göttingen Inclusive Theater Festival with people with and without disabilities.

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