Eine politische Performance von und mit Nora Amin

(*english below*)
Eine politische Performance basierend auf der wahren Geschichte eines tödlichen Feuers in einem ägyptischen Theater im Jahr 2005, bei dem fast 50 Theatermacher*innen ums Leben kamen. Den poetischen Monolog entwickelte die Autorin, Tänzerin und Choreographin Nora Amin über einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren; er fand 2016 seine performative, tänzerische Form.
Es ist ein Ritual des Überlebens, in dem Tanz, Poesie & Musik sich zu Erinnerungen von Tod, Schmerz und Verlust vermengen. Es ist auch eine Hommage an die menschliche Würde und Liebe. Begleitet von der originalen Musik von Nader Sami und Ramz Sabry.
Choreographiert, geschrieben, performt und inszeniert von Nora Amin
Musik: Nader Sami and Ramz Sabry
Sprache: Englisch und Arabisch
Dauer: 40 Minuten
Fotos: Mohamed Mamdouh
Resurrection is a dance ritual on breathlessness, passion, oneness and survival. It is especially dedicated to all those who lost their lives due to oppressive systems. Made with original music, the piece includes a poetic monologue written by Nora Amin in English and Arabic, with a possibility of German as well.
The piece was created and developed over the course of ten years, it reached its current performative form in 2016/2017.
"Resurrection" was triggered by the collective death of fifty theatre artists in the south of Egypt, on 5 September 2005. The Egyptian state is still to be held responsible for this collective death by means of negligence and disrespect to the theatre community in specific, and disrespect to human dignity in general. The fire took place in a small state theatre venue, and among the deceased was Saleh Saad, from whom part of the performance is inspired. Saleh was Nora Amin's partner, and he had a vision of his own death which he told to her some days before the fire. This vision adds another dimension to the trauma. And it fuels the performance with the potential of personal and collective healing. In 2007, the story of Saleh and the fire grew to another perspective, and the artistic potential of expanding the biographical performance into a universal testimony occurred when Nora met with female survivors of the civil war in Sudan and conducted a workshop on storytelling and healing/transformation. From that workshop she carried the feeling of a witness to political oppression, war and torture, and how it influences the lives of women, and how women as natural storytellers and carriers of family archives are able to preserve the memory and revive the love and the spiritual connection. With that foundation, "Resurrection" aspires to be a political statement supporting human dignity and the value of human life, as well as a ritual that resurrects the human bonding related to the universal heritage of pain, survival, forgiveness and healing.
Choreographed, written, performed and directed by Nora Amin
Music by Nader Sami and Ramz Sabry
Language: English and Arabic (recorded monologue)
Duration: 40 minutes
Previously performed in Milan, Ragusa, Catania, Tangiers, Copenhagen, Karrachi, Bordeaux, Alexandria, Cairo and Berlin.
Photos by: Mohamed Mamdouh